Sunday, June 2, 2013

Aromatherapy and Me

“Bringing you my learnings gathered over years of using aromatic oils since 1995, the same year I was blessed with Motherhood. The decision of replacing synthetic soaps, creams and lotions with vegetable oils, aromatic drops and aloevera gel have helped me in taking the first hand preventive measures in safeguarding my little children’s beautiful skin, keep their hair thick and fragrant, children are focused, have developed a healthy food habit, immunity and overall well being. Replacing floor cleaners and room fresheners’ with aromatic diffusers have had tremendous effect on keeping our home free from spider’s web, negative energy, mosquitoes, insects. I have time and again used these oils as an alternative to painkillers at the time of severe cramps, headache, jet leg etc…”


Hidden in;
Present as tiny droplets between the plant cells, these aromatic Oils occur mostly in roots, barks, wood, resins, leaves, flowers and the peel of citrus fruits.
What is Magical??
The key to aroma therapy lies in it’s dual use of essential oils and massage, thus making full use of two of our most important senses – smell and touch
When inhaled may enter the body via the olfactory system.
When diluted or applied externally, essential oil molecules may permeate the skin.
How Therapeutic is it?
The extracted Essential Oil is a super-concentrated living expression of the personality and "spirit" of the plants, incorporating both medicinal and aromatic characteristics.
Miraculously, the Essential Oils tend to work within our own body in much the same way, balancing and protecting the delicate life support systems. If you pick up an herb and rub it between your fingers, you will smell the essential oil of that herb.
The term "100% pure and natural essential oil" is used to describe oils that contain only the extract of a particular plant. They are 75-100 times more potent than dried herbs and should be used with care.
Why is it expensive?
On the average, one ounce of plant material will yield about one drop of pure Essential Oil. As a result, prices for the true Oils of Rose, Jasmine and certain other "aromatic jewels" range in the thousands of US dollars per pound, even when purchased in volume directly from the producers
Do you know this??
It would take 100 kg of Lavender to yield 3 kg of Lavender oil; and 8 million Jasmine flowers to yield barely 1 kg of Jasmine oil.
Chances of Fake??
Recent advances in this field of chemistry have flooded the market with these low-cost imitation fragrances, which are today the basis of almost all perfumes, cosmetics and a rapidly growing number of household products.
Is fragrance as good as aroma??
Although an aromatic chemical can be formulated to crudely imitate a specific natural fragrance, it has thus far been impossible to recreate in the lab the vital life force of a natural essential oil. Aromatherapy requires an extremely high quality of essential oils. Synthetic substances cannot replace the real product.
Research says;
A considerable body of research shows that this most acute of our senses can influence our bodies and minds to the point of healing. The scents from essential oils are believed to activate olfactory nerve cells in the nasal cavity, which then send impulses to the limbic system, the area of the brain associated with emotions and memory.
Can it match the powerful effects of medical science??
Without denying the obvious value of many scientific discoveries, we must acknowledge that the narrow vision of the medical profession has led to dreadful side effects. A synthetic drug taken in to kill harmful viruses/ bacteria is like cracking a nut with a sledge hammer, These drugs do kill the harmful bacteria, they also destroy the beneficial ones present in the body, essential oils or herbalism on the other hand may act slowly in antibiotic sense, but while killing off the bacteria/viruses they raise the body’s immune system to strength its resistance to further attack, which eventually is one of its most positive side/after effect.
Is it truly an Alternative Medicine??
Aromatherapy, commonly associated with complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), is the use of volatile liquid plant materials, known as essential oils (EOs), and other aromatic compounds from plants to affect someone's mood or health.

Essential oils, like spiritual healing (Reiki, Pranic, Magnified), homeopathic, herbal and flower remedies, have a life force that vibrates within the body and the benefit exerted is too subtle to evaluate. 

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